Internet Governance > Internet Governance Forum (IGF)
Internet Governance Forum (IGF)
In 2003 and 2005, the United Nations organized the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). One of the most critical outcomes of this landmark summit was the creation of the Internet Governance Forum, or the IGF.
Local and regional IGFs happen globally throughout the year. Once a year, participants gather for the global IGF.
Each event offers a unique space for a range of people to share information and develop solutions on an equal footing, which is essential in creating a more extensive and secure Internet.
Internet Society Contributions to the IGF
For over a decade, the Internet Society has supported multistakeholder Internet governance processes worldwide by funding the global IGF, several National and Regional Initiatives (NRIs), and Schools of Internet Governance (SIGs). We remain firmly committed to this important initiative and are proud of the partnerships we have formed to help ensure the success of IGFs worldwide.
You can join us and be a part of an IGF in many ways.
Global IGFs
The first global IGF was held in 2006 in Athens, Greece. Since then, global IGFs have been held worldwide, from Brazil to India, Egypt, Lithuania, Kenya, Azerbaijan, Poland, and Japan.