What role has the Internet played in helping communities deal with the coronavirus pandemic?
The panelists discussed:
- How would it have been if the Internet didn’t exist in the way it does today?
- What aspects have worked well, what hasn’t worked well?
- Were there any special Internet offers by service providers in the wake of Covid19 and how has that helped?
- What are some of the key learnings we have in using the Internet to deal with the pandemic?
- What about those who are not online, which is a large part of our region in rural areas and includes minority and marginalised communities?
- Are there any particular policy or infrastructure related initiatives that can be highlighted as best practice?
- Ellen STRICKLAND, Chief Advisor, International, InternetNZ, New Zealand
- Osama MANZAR, Founder/Director, Digital Empowerment Foundation, India
- Sumon Ahmed SABIR, Chief Technology Officer, Fiber@Home Limited, Bangladesh
Moderator: Rajnesh SINGH, Regional Vice President, Asia-Pacific, Internet Society