The week began on Saturday, 14 July, with a Hackathon and Code Sprint. The IETF meeting itself began on Sunday and went through Friday. We provided our rough guides on topics of mutual interest to both the IETF and the Internet Society as follows:
- Overview of ISOC @ IETF (this post)
- Internet Infrastructure Resilience
- Internet of Things
- IPv6
- DNSSEC, DNS Security and Privacy
For more general information about IETF 102 see:
Immediately prior to the IETF meeting, ICANN are hosting a DNS Symposium on the theme “Attention, Domain Name System: Your 30-year scheduled maintenance is overdue.” The ICANN DNS Symposium will take place in the same venue as the IETF 102 meeting on Friday 13th July.
Here are some of the activities that the Internet Society is involved in during the week.
Applied Networking Research Workshop (ANRW 2018)
The ACM, IRTF and ISOC Applied Networking Research Workshop will take place on the Monday of IETF week, as part of the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) mission to foster greater collaboration between researchers and the IETF community. Registration is free for IETF attendees. The ANRW program is full of great presentations including invited talks and features sessions on TLS, routing, Internet infrastructure, congestion control, traffic engineering, and anonymous communications. The workshop will also feature an extensive poster session.
The workshop will be livestreamed for those not able to attend in person:
9:30-12:00 Monday July 16 Morning session I
13:30-17:50 Monday July 16 Afternoon sessions I and II
Applied Networking Research Prize (ANRP)
Through the Applied Networking Research Prize (ANRP), supported by the Internet Society, the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) recognizes the best new ideas in networking and brings them to the IETF, especially in cases where the ideas are relevant for transitioning into shipping Internet products and related standardization efforts. Out of 55 submissions in 2018, six submissions will be awarded prizes. Two winners will present their work at the IRTF Open Meeting on Tuesday, 17 July at 9:30AM.
- Maria Apostolaki for a detailed analysis of the impact that Internet routing attacks (such as BGP hijacks) and malicious Internet Service Providers (ISP) can have on the Bitcoin cryptocurrency: Maria Apostolaki, Aviv Zohar, Laurent Vanbever. Hijacking Bitcoin: Routing Attacks on Cryptocurrencies. Proc. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2017. San Jose, CA , USA (May 2017).
- Panos Papadimitratos for improving our understanding of vehicular public key infrastructure in terms of security, privacy protection, and efficiency: M. Khodaei, H. Jin, and P. Papadimitratos. SECMACE: Scalable and Robust Identity and Credential Infrastructure in Vehicular Communication. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE ITS), April 2018.
GCSC Panel
On Tuesday, 17 July, during IETF 102 in Montreal, the Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace (GCSC) will host a lunch panel on “Cyber Diplomacy Meets InfoSec and Technology.” During this session, the Commission wants to inform and engage with the IETF community on its work so far and the work that is in the pipeline.
The Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace sets out to develop proposals for norms and policies to enhance international security and stability and guide responsible state and non-state behavior in cyberspace. During this lunch panel GCSC want to engage with the IETF community to discuss the norms they have proposed so far:
- The norm to Protect the public Core of the Internet; and
- The norm for Protecting Electoral Infrastructure.
In addition, the Commission want to talk about the work that they are currently undertaking on vulnerabilities, their exploitation and disclosure.
The panelists are:
- Irina Rizmal, Research Fellow at the DiploFoundation specialized in policy analysis in matters pertaining to national security and defense.
- Bill Woodcock, Commissioner and Executive Director at Packet Clearing House, the non-profit agency that supports critical Internet infrastructure.
- Jeff Moss, Commissioner, founder of Black Hat and Defcon, member of the DHS security council, and former ICANN CSO.
The panel will be moderated by Olaf Kolkman, GCSC Commissioner and Chief Internet Technology Officer of the Internet Society.
IETF Journal
The IETF Journal provides an easily understandable overview of what’s happening in the world of Internet standards, with a particular focus on the activities of the IETF Working Groups. Articles highlight some of the hot issues being discussed in IETF meetings and on the IETF mailing lists. You can follow IETF Journal via our Twitter and Facebook channels. If you would like to write for the Journal about your work at IETF 102, please email us at
Other highlights of the IETF 102 meeting include:
Right before IETF 102, the IETF is holding another Hackathon to encourage developers to discuss, collaborate, and develop utilities, ideas, sample code, and solutions that show practical implementations of IETF standards. The Hackathon is free to attend but has limited seats available. Technologies from past Hackathons include DNS, HTTP 2.0, NETVC, OpenDaylight, ONOS, VPP/, RiOT, SFC, TLS 1.3, WebRTC, YANG/NETCONF/RESTCONF. Details on all planned technologies will be listed on the IETF 102 Meeting Wiki.
Technical Plenary
One of the week’s highlights is the plenary meeting. It will take place on Wednesday, 18 July, from 17:10-19:40. The event is live streamed.
Birds of a Feather (BoF) Sessions
Another major highlight of every IETF is the new work that gets started in birds-of-a-feather (BoF) sessions. Getting new work started in the IETF usually requires a BoF to discuss goals for the work, the suitability of the IETF as a venue for pursuing the work, and the level of interest in and support for the work. There are three BoFs happening in Montreal:
- DNS Resolver Identification and Use (driu)Thursday, 19 July, 15:50-17:50 The IETF has added additional methods for DNS stub resolvers to get to recursive resolvers (notably DNS-over-TLS, RFC 7858), and is about to add another (DNS-over-HTTPS, from the DOH Working Group). As these have been developed, questions have been raised about how to identify these resolvers from protocols such as DHCP and DHCPv6, what the security properties these transports have in various configurations (such as between strict security and opportunistic security), and what it means for a user who has multiple resolvers configured when the elements of the configured set have different transports and security properties.This BoF is not intended to form a Working Group. Instead, it is meant to bring together authors of various WG and individual drafts to prevent overlap and to garner interest in particular topics.
- Internationalization Review Procedures (i18nrp) Monday, 16 July, 13:30 – 15:30 This BOF is to examine procedural and structural options for moving forward with work on internationalization topics in the IETF, or deciding not to work on that topic.
- The Label “RFC” (rfcplusplus) Wednesday, 18 July, 18:10 – 19:40 This BoF is intended to discuss a proposed experiment to tackle the “regrettably well-spread misconception” that all RFCs are standards.
Follow Us
It will be a busy week in Montreal, and whether you plan to be there or join remotely, there’s much to monitor. Follow us on the Internet Society blog, Twitter, or Facebook using #IETF102 to keep up with the latest news.