Indigenous Connectivity Summit > Indigenous Connectivity Summit 2021 > Policy & Advocacy Training Webinar
Policy & Advocacy Training Webinar
Week 2: Meaningful Engagement and Consultation
Week 3: Government Outlets for Advocacy
Week 4: Funding Opportunities and Advocating for Funding
Week 5: How to Talk to Policymakers
Week 6: Building the ICS Recommendations and
The Community of Networking (ICS Training Joint Session)
Week 1: Community Networks 101
(ICS Training Joint Session)
Thursday, 9 September 2021, 3:00pm EDT / 12:00pm PST / 9:00am HST
This session brings together the policy and technical tracks to provide an overview of what to expect from this year’s ICS trainings, providing an overview of the policy issues facing community networks (CNs) and a discussion on what it’s like to build and maintain a network.

Dr. Rob McMahon
Associate Professor, University of Alberta; Master of Arts in Communication and Technology (MACT) and Master of Arts in Community Engagement (MACE)
Heather Hudson
Professor and Consultant, ICTs for Development, Rural Communications, Telecommunications Management and Policy
H Trostle
Research Professional, American Indian Policy Institute at Arizona State University
- 2020 ICS Community Network Training (Internet Society)
- 2020 ICS Policy & Advocacy Training (Internet Society)
- Stories from the First Mile: Digital Technologies in Remote and Rural Indigenous Communities (First Nations Innovation and First Mile Connectivity Consortium)
- Rural Connectivity Task Force – Final Report (Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan)
- 2020 ICS Recommendations (Internet Society)
- Building Indigenous Future Zones: Four Tribal Broadband Case Studies (Trostle, Institute for Local Self-Reliance)
- American Indian Policy Institute August 2021 Legislative Update (American Indian Policy Institute at Arizona State University)
- Tribal Broadband Resources (American Indian Policy Institute at Arizona State University)
- Reclaiming Geospatial Data and GIS Design for Indigenous-led Telecommunications Policy Advocacy: A Process Discussion of Mapping Broadband Availability in Remote and Northern Regions of Canada (McMahon, Smith, & Whiteduck)
- Time for the ‘well-meaning man’ to return spectrum rights to Native American tribes (Blackwater, Indian Country Today)
- The Impact of Internet Access in Indigenous Communities in Canada and the United States (Hudson, Internet Society)
Week 2: Meaningful Engagement and Consultation
Wednesday, 15 September 2021, 3:00pm EDT / 12:00pm PST / 9:00am HST
Week 3: Government Outlets for Advocacy
Wednesday, 22 September 2021
Sayuri Rajapakse
Deputy Chief, Office of Native Affairs and Policy, Federal Communications Commission
Konrad von Fickenstein
Week 4: Funding Opportunities and Advocating for Funding
Wednesday, 29 September 2021
Heather Mills
Maureen James
Terry Dalton
- Guide to Broadband Funding Opportunities in the US
- CIRA’s Grants program – next call for applications will take place in March 2022
- Unconnected report – October 2020 research report on Canada’s digital funding landscape
- Internet Performance Test –
Analysis/advocacy articles based on CIRA’s Unconnected report:
- “Digital development is the most important funding need you’ve never heard of” Op-Ed in The Toronto Star.
- “Canada’s non-profit sector needs to fund digital projects: CIRA” in the Philanthropist Journal
- “New Report about Digital Access & Rights“ from Carleton University
Week 5: How to Talk to Policymakers
Wednesday, 6 October 2021
Anderson Heiman
Erin Knight
Week 6: Building the ICS Recommendations and
The Community of Networking (ICS Training Joint Session)
Monday, 11 October 2021
(week of Indigenous Connectivity Summit)
Leading image: © Angela Gzowski