OECD Ministerial 2016

The 2016 Ministerial Meeting of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) takes place June 21-23, 2016 in Cancun, Mexico. The full title of the event is the “OECD Ministerial Meeting on the Digital Economy: Innovation, Growth and Social Prosperity“.

Quick links:

Internet Society or IETF Activities

The Internet Society had a team at the OECD Ministerial active in a range of workshops and sessions. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Chair Jari Arkko was also present.

The table below indicates ISOC or IETF participation in sessions.
All times are Eastern Standard Time (EST, UTC-5). Note: This is one hour different from the eastern United States that is using Eastern Daylight Time (EDT, UTC-4).

Tuesday, 21 June – ITAC Forum

The OECD’s Internet Technical Advisory Committee (ITAC) held an all-day ” ITAC Forum“. The Internet Society is one of the 27 member organizations of ITAC.

9:00-9:30Opening and Keynote address

IETF Chair Jari Arkko delivered the keynote
9:30-10:45Panel: Getting the Ball Rolling: IPv6 Adoption Since 2008

Internet Society Board of Trustees member Hiroshi Esaki on panel
11:00-12:15Panel: Open Standards for an Open Internet of Things
11:30-12:30The Global Commission on Internet Governance (GCIG) held a press conference launching their final report. Internet Society President and CEO Kathy Brown will be in attendance.
14:00-15:30Panel: A collaborative approach to Internet Security

Robin Wilton moderating
Sebastian Bellagamba on panel

Wednesday, 22 June

11:40-13:00Opening Plenary and OECD Stakeholders’ Armchair Discussion

Internet Society President and CEO Kathy Brown speaking as the ITAC representative
16:45-18:30Panel: Stimulating Digital Innovation across the Economy

Internet Society Board of Trustees member Hiroshi Esaki on panel

Thursday, 23 June

9:00-10:45Panel: Improving networks & services through convergence

IETF Chair Jari Arkko on panel
11:15-13:00Panel: Skills for a digital world

Internet Society Board of Trustees member Walid Al-Saqaf on panel



Blog Posts

We published these posts with reports about activities, news, or remarks:

We published these posts about the event and activities of the week:

Additionally, IETF Chair Jari Arkko published the text of his remarks at the ITAC Forum over on the IETF blog:

Date and Time

Tuesday 21 June 2016 –

Thursday 23 June 2016

Featured speakers and panelists

Portrait photo  of Kathryn Brown

Kathryn Brown

Former President / CEO

Kathryn C. Brown served as President and CEO of the Internet Society from 2014-2018. A veteran of Internet policy development and initiatives that have aided in the Internet’s global expansion,… Read more about Kathryn Brown

Portrait photo  of Walid Al-Saqaf

Walid Al-Saqaf

Former Member, Internet Society Board of Trustees

Walid Al-Saqaf is a Senior Lecturer at Södertörn University in Stockholm where he specializes in the use of the Internet and media technology for journalism, access to information, freedom of… Read more about Walid Al-Saqaf

Portrait photo  of Sebastian Bellagamba

Sebastian Bellagamba

Vice President, External and Community Engagement

I am the Vice President of External Engagement at the Internet Society, reporting to the SVP, Strategy, Communications, and Engagement. My work is to contribute to a team that builds… Read more about Sebastian Bellagamba

Portrait photo  of Hiroshi Esaki

Hiroshi Esaki

Former Member, Internet Society Board of Trustees

Hiroshi Esaki Ph.D received the B.E. and M.E. degrees from Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, in 1985 and 1987, respectively. And, he received Ph.D from The University of Tokyo, Japan, in… Read more about Hiroshi Esaki

Portrait photo  of Robin Wilton

Robin Wilton

Senior Director, Internet Trust

I’m the Internet Society’s Senior Director for Internet Trust, helping to advocate for an Internet that fulfills people’s expectations of privacy, security, and trustworthiness. My 35 years in the IT… Read more about Robin Wilton

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