SEEDIG 7 Series: SEE Brain Netting

How to build more inclusive and efficient Internet governance?

SEEDIG hosted a brainstorming event with the United Nations Secretariat of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) and South-Eastern European (SEE) national IGF initiatives on improving the efficiency of IGF processes and transforming them from once-a-year same-people-talking-same-things events into permanently operational platforms that bring together problem owners and decision owners.

As part of the event agenda, Rinalia Abdul Rahim, our Senior Vice President of Strategy, Communications, and Engagement led Capacity-building workshop on strengthening regional and inter-regional cooperation between IGF initiatives.

Brain Netting event aimed to answer to at least one of the following questions:

  • What has been achieved since the first IGF was launched in SEE and SEEDIG was created some seven years ago?
  • What are the challenges of building a multistakeholder IG model in SEE compared to other regions?
  • How to shift from problem-mapping to problem-solving in Internet governance?
Date and Time

13:00 – 15:00 UTC

Friday 15 October 2021

