Community Fellowship > Curriculum



Session 1: This will provide a brief overview of the Internet Society 2030 Strategy, explaining how this project aligns with it. The focus will be on advocacy and priorities. It would be beneficial for the chapters to gain visibility from upper management to demonstrate that this program is valued and that the chapters play a crucial role in advocacy. 

Session 2: This will give an overview of the Community Fellowship program. The Internet Society team will present the program’s structure, including the lecturers, speakers, and the various support mechanisms available to the fellows. This session will also outline the expectations and aspirations of the Internet Society for the fellows, the expectations fellows have of one another, and the requirements needed for the successful completion of the Fellowship.

Becoming an Internet Advocate

These sessions are designed to develop basic advocacy skills. The first part of the series provides a comprehensive overview of the advocacy cycle, identifying the four key steps in the advocacy process. Additionally, this section will introduce the Internet Women’s network (IWN) and the Internet Infrastructure and Access Taskforce (IIAT) at a high level.

The second part focuses on the roles involved in advocacy and includes training on developing a strategy, mapping decision-making processes and powers, and energizing partners. These sessions are conducted by the Internet Society Advocacy team.

Basic Introduction to Internet Technology

This is an elective session for those who need to be introduced to how the Internet works or those who need to refine their knowledge. This session is delivered by our amazing Internet Society Internet Staff members.

Powering Your Public Persona and Mobilization

We use the Internet every day to do amazing, emotional things, yet writing about Internet advocacy can sometimes be pretty dry. But it doesn’t have to be. In this course, you’ll learn the fundamentals of writing different types of content — including news stories, personal blogs, and editorials — for the public, with impact. This course also hones your ability to speak in public and build your self-confidence and ability to position yourself and your expertise as a Community Fellow. These sessions will be delivered by Jen Ross!

Internet Society Courses

You take these Internet Society-provided courses covering key Internet issues. By completing these courses, you will have a better contextual basis for your Advocacy plan.

Additional courses:

Additional Fellowship Components

These components are essential parts of the Fellowship and are meant to complement and support the learnings and deliverables of the core modules.

Advocacy Plan

The fellows are asked to work towards creating an advocacy plan aimed at addressing specific Internet challenges. This encourages the fellows to put into practice the skills and tools they are acquiring in the Fellowship. 

Peer Support

The fellows are expected to engage with each other over the course of curated sessions and working groups, resulting in relevant advocacy plans.

Community Workshops

This is an in-person event where groups of 27 fellows will participate in either Community Workshop-1 in August or Community Workshop-2 in October. These workshops will provide a deeper exploration of niche advocacy considerations alongside a relevant existing internet-related event.

Travel support for one in-person community workshop:

  • A round-trip air ticket to a community workshop 
  • Hotel accommodation for the duration of the event.
  • A fixed stipend for additional needs 

Please note that the Internet Society does not offer financial support for visa-related costs, and travel arrangements are specifically fixed for the calendarized workshop dates only.*