About Internet Society 17 January 2018

CEO Succession at the Internet Society – Status update (Jan 2018)

By Gonzalo CamarilloFormer Member and Chair, Internet Society Board of Trustees

A few weeks ago we informed the community about the fact that Kathy Brown was not going to seek another extension of her contract and, thus, a CEO search process had started at the Internet Society (ISOC). Please read my previous blog post for background.

In particular, we had asked the community to send us preliminary input, which is treated as confidential within the ISOC board, to the following email address:

[email protected]

We want to thank the community for all the useful input we have received so far. Please, continue sending us your thoughts around this important process for ISOC.

The status of the process at this point is the following. The board has set up a search committee, which is a subset of the board. The role of the search committee is to do a preliminary review of the candidates (in coordination with the selected search firm) and eventually present a short list to the full board, which will be responsible for the final selection.

The search committee is currently finishing the selection of a search firm to support us during the whole process. We have developed a draft job description, which will be finalized once a search firm is selected. The draft job description naturally takes into consideration all the input we have received.

The final job description will be used to create an open call for candidates, which will include instructions on how to apply for the position. We intend to launch the open call in February.

As usual, we will keep the community informed about the status of the ongoing search process.

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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