Internet Governance > NETmundial+10 News Update

After NETmundial+10,
New Ideas Under Reaffirmed Principles

NETmundial+10, an important event in the realm of Internet governance, was held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, from 29 to 30 April. This gathering, which drew in experts, advocates, governments, and others from around the globe, was a platform for crucial debates and discussions on Internet governance issues. As we gear up for Internet governance events in the coming years, this was an opportunity to unite, exchange ideas, voice concerns, and collectively shape the multistakeholder agenda for the next decade.

The proposal to hold a NETmundial+10 event came as a surprise. The original NETmundial multistakeholder gathering in 2014 resulted in a comprehensive statement delineating Internet governance principles, which remain relevant a decade later. 

Our delegation, Sebastian Bellagamba, Mona Gaballa, and Paula Bernardi, worked tirelessly at the event. Sebastian, as part of the High-Level Executive Committee, played a key role in outlining the event’s agenda and designing a consultation that informed the discussions. A new multistakeholder statement was published after a rigorous process that involved tight deadlines, numerous online sessions, and a successful two-day event.

The cornerstone of the NETmundial+10 statement reaffirms the relevance of the NETmundial 2014 principles and recognizes the need to implement them fully. The document also urges all stakeholders to improve coordination among the discussions and processes in Internet governance and digital policy to avoid duplicating efforts. It explicitly supports the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) as a suitable steward to oversee some of these discussions.

This approach is especially relevant in the context of the Global Digital Compact negotiations, and it will remain key for the WSIS+20 review next year. Although the Internet Society has been engaged in GDC consultations, advocating for the necessity and power of the multistakeholder model, that model may not be fully realized if the participants in multilateral negotiations are not committed to it.

The NETmundial+10 statement provides guidelines for building consensus and making decisions with input from a multistakeholder community. We are pleased that these guidelines closely align with our approach at the Internet Society to working with our community and partners on Internet governance. We will use them as a reference for our future work.

Following an invigorating two-day event, we have reasserted our unwavering commitment to safeguarding the Internet and the multistakeholder model. We firmly believe that collaboration is the key to success. Maintaining open communication with our allies, partners, and all those invested in an accessible Internet is paramount.