WSIS Opening Statement
Kathryn Brown, Internet Society President and CEO
Good afternoon all. Mr. Chairman, Dr. Touré, Ministers, distinguished delegates, all of you,
It is a delight to join you here today to reflect on 10 years of WSIS, and to work with this global community to continue to develop our vision for the future.
As a member of the technical community, the Internet Society has grown, in many ways, because of the WSIS. Our technical roots have given wings to our expanded engagement over the years in Internet development and in the public policy debates that have been so important for the future of the global, open Internet. With more than 60,000 individual Members, 100 Chapters around the world, and 150 Organization Members, ISOC’s community is a united voice to keep the Internet open, thriving, and benefitting all people of the globe… download the entire speech