
OECD High Level Meeting
Speeches 3 December 2011

OECD High Level Meeting

Remarks by Vinton G. CERF June 28, 2011 Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for the opportunity to speak, in part,...

OECD Committee for Information, Computer and Communications – Opening Remarks
OECD Committee for Information, Computer and Communications – Opening Remarks Thumbnail
Speeches 3 December 2011

OECD Committee for Information, Computer and Communications – Opening Remarks

Meeting of the OECD Committee for Information, Computer and Communications Policy (ICCP) Workshop on ICT and Innovation 11 December...

INET 2009 Welcoming
INET 2009 Welcoming Thumbnail
Speeches 3 December 2011

INET 2009 Welcoming

Honorable Audience, Ladies and Gentlemen, Let me start by welcoming you all in Egypt on behalf of H.E. Minister...

Ensure the Internet remains a foundation for a sustainable future.
Speeches 3 December 2011

Ensure the Internet remains a foundation for a sustainable future.

Given by Lyn St.Amour Panel: “The role of ICT to ensure a global sustainable future” Organized by: The European...

Internet Society’s role in broadening Internet access
Speeches 3 December 2011

Internet Society’s role in broadening Internet access

Given by Lyn St.Amour Journée Nationale Internet de l’ISOC Morocco- 26 May 2009 Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good...

Internet Society Statement: Transition of technical coordination and management of DNS to private sector
Speeches 2 December 2011

Internet Society Statement: Transition of technical coordination and management of DNS to private sector

Washington, D.C., July 26th, 2006 Founded in 1992, the Internet Society is a not-for-profit membership organization that provides leadership...

What Public Policy for next Generation/New Values?
Speeches 2 December 2011

What Public Policy for next Generation/New Values?

ITU Telecom Asia 2008 2-5 September 2008, Bangkok, Thailand We are here today to discuss “What public policy for...

Internet Society Contribution to ITU WTSA 2008
Internet Society Contribution to ITU WTSA 2008 Thumbnail
Speeches 2 December 2011

Internet Society Contribution to ITU WTSA 2008

Johannesburg, October 20, 2008 Thank you, Mr. Fishman. Good afternoon, Ladies & Gentlemen. I’m going to speak to you...

Address to European Internet Foundation
Speeches 2 December 2011

Address to European Internet Foundation

Lynn St Amour Brussels, Belgium Dear Commissioner Reding, Members of the European Parliament, ladies and gentlemen, it is a...

Address by Internet Society President and CEO Lynn St Amour to the opening of the IGF in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Speeches 2 December 2011

Address by Internet Society President and CEO Lynn St Amour to the opening of the IGF in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

12 November 2007 It is a great pleasure for me to be here in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for...

IGF 2011 Opening Remarks
IGF 2011 Opening Remarks Thumbnail
Speeches 2 December 2011

IGF 2011 Opening Remarks

Internet Governance Forum (IGF) 2011 Nairobi, Kenya Opening Remarks, Internet Society, Lynn St. Amour Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, Colleagues...

IGF 2011 Closing statement – Nii Quaynor
IGF  2011 Closing statement – Nii Quaynor Thumbnail
Speeches 2 December 2011

IGF 2011 Closing statement – Nii Quaynor

Internet Governance Forum (IGF) 2011 Nairobi, Kenya It is a great pleasure for me to speak today on behalf...