Internet technical community urging WSIS consultations to stay open to all stakeholders
10 February 2014 H.E. Mr. Mohamed Khaled Khiari Permanent Mission of Tunisia to the United Nations 31 Beekman Place...
Internet Society (ISOC) – IGF 2014: Producing Tangible Outcomes on Best Practices
In response to the Request for Public Input posted on the IGF website, the Internet Society submits the following...
Call For Papers
Given the importance of Multistakeholder Governance for the future evolution of the Internet and in addressing issues of public...
Montevideo Statement on the Future of Internet Cooperation
The leaders of organizations responsible for coordination of the Internet technical infrastructure globally have met in Montevideo, Uruguay, to...
WSIS+10 High-Level Event Open Consultation Process Official Submission Form #1
Official Submission Form #1 on the Outcome Documents of the WSIS+10 High Level Event 13-17 April 2014, Sharm el Sheikh...
Internet Society Statement on the Importance of Open Global Dialogue Regarding Online Privacy
Washington, D.C. and Geneva, Switzerland – 12 June 2013 – The Internet Society has noted recent revelations regarding the...
CWG Statement (June 10, 2013) As a point of reflection and as the Council will start working towards shaping...
Agenda item 2: Progress made in the implementation of and follow-up to the World Summit on the Information Society outcomes at the regional and international levels
UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD) 4 June 2013 Markus Kummer Vice-President, Public Policy, The Internet...
ITU Statement May 2013
Thank you Mr. Chair – We would like to congratulate again the ITU, UNESCO, UNDP and UNCTAD for organizing...
Remarks to the ITU World Telecommunication Policy Forum, 2013
Mr. Chairman, Secretary-General, ITU elected officials, Excellencies, distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentleman, it is a pleasure for the Internet...
Statement: Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD) Inter-sessional Meeting
CSTD Inter-sessional Meeting: Statement from Constance Bommelaer, Director of Public Policy, The Internet...
"Science, technology and innovation, and the potential of culture, for promoting sustainable development and achieving the Millennium Development Goals"
ISOC’s written statement, UN ECOSOC High-Level Segment session in relation to “Science, technology and innovation, and the potential of...