
Remarks by Constance Bommelaer, Senior Manager Strategic Global Engagement, InternetSociety, to the 13th session of the Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD)
Statements 30 April 2013

Remarks by Constance Bommelaer, Senior Manager Strategic Global Engagement, InternetSociety, to the 13th session of the Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD)


Internet Society Draft WTPF Opinion
Statements 1 February 2013

Internet Society Draft WTPF Opinion

OPINION (XX) To foster an enabling environment for the greater growth of high-speed broadband connectivity The fifth World Telecommunication...

Internet Society Comments on the Fourth Draft of the Secretary General's Report
Statements 1 February 2013

Internet Society Comments on the Fourth Draft of the Secretary General's Report

Constance Bommelaer Director, Public Policy, The Internet Society Over the past nine months, the Internet Society has actively participated...

CSTD Inter-sessional Meeting Statement
Statements 16 January 2013

CSTD Inter-sessional Meeting Statement

Statement from Constance Bommelaer, Director of Public Policy, The Internet Society at WSIS Follow-up, Including Preparations for the 16th...

To the negotiating nations of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement
Statements 4 December 2012

To the negotiating nations of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement

The undersigned organizations would like to express their concern regarding the procedural aspects of the negotiations of the Trans-Pacific...

Enhanced Cooperation Afternoon Session
Statements 27 November 2012

Enhanced Cooperation Afternoon Session

Wolfgang Kleinwachter at Third Session: From Deadlock to Dialogue, Enhanced Co‑operation and Internet Governance Welcome back to the session. ...

Enhanced Cooperation Morning Session
Statements 27 November 2012

Enhanced Cooperation Morning Session

Monday, 5th November 2012  On behalf of the International Chamber of Commerce and its BASIS initiative, the Internet Society...

Statement for the WIPO Inter-sessional Meeting on Limitations and Exceptions for Visually Impaired Persons and Persons with Print Disabilities
Statements 21 November 2012

Statement for the WIPO Inter-sessional Meeting on Limitations and Exceptions for Visually Impaired Persons and Persons with Print Disabilities

Dear Madam Chair On behalf of the Internet Society I would like to congratulate you for your ongoing leadership...

Remarks to the Global Standards Symposium 2012
Statements 20 November 2012

Remarks to the Global Standards Symposium 2012

Download the Presentation slides (As Prepared) Hello, I am Russ Housley and I serve as chair of the Internet...

The Internet Society’s contribution to UNESCO’s Consultation on the WSIS+10 Review
Statements 25 October 2012

The Internet Society’s contribution to UNESCO’s Consultation on the WSIS+10 Review

THE INTERNET SOCIETY’S VIEWS ON WSIS+10 Purpose of the WSIS+10 Review In accordance with the Tunis Agenda for the...

Statement for the WIPO Inter-sessional Meeting on Limitations and Exceptions for Visually Impaired Persons and Persons with Print Disabilities
Statements 24 October 2012

Statement for the WIPO Inter-sessional Meeting on Limitations and Exceptions for Visually Impaired Persons and Persons with Print Disabilities

Dear Mr. Chair, We thank you for this opportunity to deliver a short statement at this Inter-sessional meeting on...

Statement to the 50th session of the WIPO General Assembly
Statements 5 October 2012

Statement to the 50th session of the WIPO General Assembly

Good afternoon Mr. Chairman. Since this is the first time the Internet Society is taking the floor, I would...