Internet Way of Networking > Internet Impact Assessment Toolkit > Internet Impact Briefs
Internet Impact Briefs
Good Internet policy starts with an impact assessment.
Internet Impact Briefs are shorter reports produced by the Internet Society, members of our community and other partners that analyze how different policies or new technologies may affect what the Internet needs to exist and thrive.
Are you interested in producing your own Internet Impact Brief? Visit our Internet Impact Assessment Toolkit (IIAT) to learn more.
Please note that submitting information and materials to Internet Society or using Internet Impact Assessment Toolkit does not create a fiduciary relationship between you and does not constitute an engagement of the Internet Society to perform any lobbying on your or anyone else’s behalf.
Internet Impact Brief: Proposals to Regulate Digital Platforms In Brazil, Potential Impacts in the Internet
This Internet Impact Brief analyzes Bill 2630/2020 to examine how this Brazilian legislative proposal may affect the Internet in its founding characteristics and structures ...
Internet Impact Brief: Nepal’s Proposed National Internet Gateway
Learn about the implications of Nepal’s National Internet Gateway proposal on Internet access and security ...
Internet Impact Brief: How Canada’s Online News Act Will Harm the Internet, Restricting Innovation, Security, and Growth of the Digital Economy
Read how Canada’s Online News Act contributes to fragmentation by undermining encryption and splintering the relationship and experiences of people in Canada from an open, globally connected, secure and trustworthy ...
Internet Impact Brief: How the US EARN IT Act Threatens Security, Confidentiality, and Safety Online
Read how the US EARN IT Act poses an existential threat to the Internet safety and security by preventing service providers from using end-to-end encryption ...
Internet Impact Brief: Draft Indian Telecommunication Bill 2022
Read how the draft telecommunication bill may affect Internet-based services in India, and more broadly, the health of the global Internet ...
Internet Impact Brief: European Commission Proposal to Prevent and Combat Child Sexual Abuse
Read how limitations on encryption arising from the CSA Proposal would move the Internet further from its potential as an open, globally connected, secure, and trustworthy resource for all ...
Internet Impact Brief: Proposals to Regulate Content Moderation on Social Media Platforms in Brazil
Read how Brazilian Bill 3227/2021 may affect the Internet by impacting what it needs to thrive as an open, globally connected, secure, and trusted resource for all people involved ...
Internet Impact Brief: India CERT-In Cybersecurity Directions 2022
Read how the draft regulation may affect Internet development in India, and more broadly, the health of the global Internet ...
Internet Impact Brief: South Korea’s Interconnection Rules
Read how a series of enacted and proposed revisions of Telecommunications Business Act in South Korea affect further Internet development ...
Internet Impact Brief: Impact of Ukraine’s Requests to Block Russia’s Access to the Internet
Learn how politically motivated actions to prevent people from accessing the global Internet would cause significant harm to the open, globally connected, secure and trustworthy Internet ...
Internet Impact Brief: How Refusing Russian Networks Will Impact the Internet
Read how actions to block networks from accessing the global Internet cause significant harm what the Internet needs to exist and thrive, and the ability of people to use it ...
Internet Impact Brief: Bangladesh: Regulation for Digital, Social Media and OTT Platforms, 2021
Finds that the provisions outlined in the draft regulation could have serious repercussions on the usefulness of the Internet for Bangladesh and its people ...