
Chapterthon 2020: A Time for Internet Society Chapters and SIGs to Shine
The Internet Society 2020 Chapterthon is live and moving fast! We’re so excited to see the applications that have...

Celebrating a Successful Chapterthon 2019!
We are incredibly inspired by the collaborative projects brought to life by our Chapters for the 2019 Chapterthon, the global contest in...

Winners of the 2019 Chapterthon To Be Announced On 11 December – Voting Is Open Now!
We’re thrilled to showcase this year’s creative, innovative and impactful projects aimed at ‘Connecting the Unconnected’. These short-term projects...

2019 Chapterthon – Our Chapters, Connecting the World One Community at a Time
Each year, the Chapterthon project competition brings enthusiasm and excitement among our global community. We look forward to this...

Applications for 2019 Chapterthon Now Open
We’re happy to announce that the call for applications for the 2019 Chapterthon is now open. Our world is...

The Benin Chapter Wins Chapterthon 2018
The winner of this year’s Chapterthon was announced this Tuesday, 4 December during InterCommunity 2018. Chapterthon is a global...

Chapterthon 2017 Winner: Closing the Digital Gap
This year's Chapterthon winner is the Internet Society Turkey Chapter for the project Coding Sisters, which had the aim...