Content Blocking
Internet Situation in Egypt
In June 2017, the Internet Society Egypt Chapter issued a statement in reaction to some of the recent blocking...

En Internet Society estamos profundamente preocupados por los bloqueos de Internet en Venezuela
Internet Society está profundamente preocupada por el aumento de los bloqueos en Internet y los recientes reportes de la...

Internet Society Deeply Concerned About Internet Blocking in Venezuela
The Internet Society is deeply concerned with the increase of Internet blocking and recent reports of growing content surveillance...

Tell Policy Makers to Think Twice Before Blocking Content or Flipping the Internet Kill Switch
RightsCon 2017 is kicking off today (29-31 March, Brussels) so we wanted to give you an update and also...
Internet Shutdowns and Content Blocking not the answer, says Internet Society
The Internet Society today voiced its commitment to keeping the Internet on for everyone, in response to the increasing...
Internet Society Perspectives on Internet Content Blocking: An Overview
The goal of this paper is to provide a technical assessment of different methods of blocking Internet content, including...
Quebec to require ISPs to block websites
The provincial government in Quebec recently passed legislation that will require Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to block access, at the Domain Name...