DNS Privacy Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
We previously posted about how the DNS does not inherently employ any mechanisms to provide confidentiality for DNS transactions,...

Introduction to DNS Privacy
Almost every time we use an Internet application, it starts with a DNS (Domain Name System) transaction to map...
DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) Support in Mozilla Firefox
Recent releases of Firefox have introduced the concept of DNS privacy under the name “Trusted Recursive Resolver”. Although Firefox ships...
DNS Security & Privacy discussed at e-AGE18
The Internet Society continued its engagement with Middle East networking community by participating in the e-AGE18 Conference, where we...

Cloudflare launches DNS service with privacy, TLS and more
There was an important development this month with the launch of Cloudflare’s new DNS resolver service. This is a...

IETF 101, Day 4: The Brass Tacks about DNS and Routing
This week is IETF 101 in London, and we’re bringing you daily blog posts highlighting the topics of interest to...

Deploy360 at IETF 100, Day 4: Woohoo for DOH!
This week is IETF 100 in Singapore, and we’re bringing you daily blog posts highlighting some of the topics that Deploy360 is interested...