G7 Leaders: Protect Strong Encryption for a Secure World

Building Trust
23 August 2019
G7 Leaders: Protect Strong Encryption for a Secure World
Encryption protects us every day. It helps secure web browsing, online banking, and critical public services like electricity, elections,...
WhatsApp: How a Bug Relates to the G7

Building Trust
14 May 2019
WhatsApp: How a Bug Relates to the G7
On 13 May, more than a billion users saw the messaging application WhatsApp being updated. At the same time...
Leaders of the G7: A Safer World Means Strong, Secure Communication

17 April 2019
Leaders of the G7: A Safer World Means Strong, Secure Communication
In the recent G7 outcome document “Combating the use of the Internet for Terrorism and Violent Extremist Purposes“, Ministers...
G7 Leaders, the World is looking at you to make the right decisions

Internet of Things (IoT)
5 June 2018
G7 Leaders, the World is looking at you to make the right decisions
As Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau gets ready to host the G7 Summit this week, renewed tensions around trade...
Reflections On The G7 ICT Ministers Meeting

Improving Technical Security
2 May 2016
Reflections On The G7 ICT Ministers Meeting
On April 30, 2016, ICT Ministers of the “G7 group” concluded their deliberations in the beautiful city of Takamatsu,...
On The Way To The G7 ICT Ministers’ Meeting In Japan: Multistakeholder approaches needed to address Internet security

Improving Technical Security
28 April 2016
On The Way To The G7 ICT Ministers’ Meeting In Japan: Multistakeholder approaches needed to address Internet security
This week in Japan I have been invited to address the Multi-Stakeholder Conference that will officially open the G7...