
Reflections on a successful IGF 2016
Many stakeholders are now coming home after a productive week at the 2016 Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Guadalajara,...

The Fight For Telephony
When I first moved to Mexico, I started working with a really cool organization called Palabra Radio, which is...

Day 4: Here Comes The Future
It’s closing day at the 2016 Internet Governance Forum and it’s time to wrap up with some great sessions,...

Day 3: Human Rights, Cyber Security, and Standing Up for Inclusiveness.
Today looks like it’s going to be a really interesting day the Internet Governance Forum (IGF). Talks on human...
IPv6, Security, and More at IGF This Week
This week in Guadalajara, Mexico, the Internet Governance Forum 2016 is taking place. The IGF is one of the...

Wanted: Community Builders
I’m a lawyer by training, but my day job is to develop applied research that may allow people to...

Let’s Build the Future of the Open Internet at IGF 2016 this week
The Internet’s founding fathers were very deliberate in the model they devised for the Internet. From its earliest beginnings,...

Day 1: Be A Part of Opening Day (IGF2016)
It’s here! The official opening of the 2016 Internet Governance Forum (IGF). Today is packed with more discussions on things...

DIY Internet in Cacahuatepec: The Stakes Have Never Been Higher
I do a lot of different things. I’m a university professor, a sound engineer, I do public policy work,...

Day Zero: You’re Just in Time
So if you’re somehow involved in the world of the Internet chances are you know that people from around...

You Can Build the Internet
Community Networks are connecting people in underserved rural, remote, and urban areas around the world. They have existed for...