This chart summarizes the proposed changes to Internet related WTSA-12 resolutions (including new resolutions) in an effort to identify issues, areas of concern, organizations impacted, etc., on a best-efforts basis. Note the proposals cited are not yet agreed, but have been put forward for discussion for the most part by ITU Regional Telecommunication Groups.
Key to ITU Regional Groups:
- Arab States / Arab States Common Proposals (ASCPs)
- Asia Pacific Telecommunity (APT) / Asia Pacific Common Proposals (ACP)
- Africa Telecommunication Union (ATU) / Africa Common Proposals (AFCP)
- Inter America Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) / Inter America Common Proposals (IAP)
- European Conference of Postal Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT) / European Common Proposals (ECP)
- Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications (RCC) / RCC Common Proposals (RCC)
Download WTSA 2016 Matrix of Resolutions or continue reading here.