John Laprise has been an active global member of the Internet policy and governance community. As a professor at Northwestern University, he consulted for ictQATAR and was on the steering committee for its national broadband plan where he led the push for low income data tariffs. He was also one of the founding members of Qatar’s ISOC chapter. He consulted for the Secretariat of the Internet Governance Forum and managed its 2014 Best Practice Fora on online child protection, multistakeholder mechanisms, and enhancing local content. He has been the program chair for GIGANET and responsible for coordinating its annual symposia. He lectures and writes extensively about privacy and surveillance issues and has been a speaker at EuroSSIG, EuroDIG, and ICANN’s MEAC-SIG.
Before entering academia, John was a telecommunications industry analyst with New Paradigm Resources Group where he reported on the US telecommunications industry during its deregulation following the 1996 Telecommunications Act.
John’s work and research focuses on the adoption of information technology policy by the US government and its relationship to national security policy. John holds a Ph.D. in Media, Technology, and Society from Northwestern University, an MA from King’s College-London, a BA and BPhil from Miami University, as well as Arabic language certificates from the University of Chicago and the American University in Cairo.