Caleb Ogundele is affiliated with ISOC Nigeria Chapter and is an accomplished Internet public policy expert. He was an ICANN, AFRINIC, ARIN, AFRISIG and ISOC Fellow. His involvement in Supporting Organisation with ICANN includes the NCSG, NCUC, and Not For Profit Operational Concerns (NPOC). He currently volunteers his time in NPOC where he currently serves as the membership chair.
He currently Chairs and Coordinate the Nigerian School on Internet Governance and was a former management lead of the Information Technology Unit for the University of Ibadan, Distance Learning Centre and a Project Director at the African Academic Network on Internet Policy which is focused on Academic Research, Development and Public Policy Interventions within the Internet Ecosystem.
He serves his local internet community in different fora and capacity building which include but not limited to the ISOC Nigerian Chapter, Nigerian Network Operating Group (NgNOG) and African Network Operating Group (AFNOG) communities where he participates and volunteers as a Web Technologies Instructor in the AFNOG tutorial sessions.
Caleb is currently serving out his term as the President of the ISOC Nigerian Chapter and he possesses a number of industry/professional certifications as well as two Masters's degrees in Computer Systems and Information Science both from the Premier University of Ibadan. His research interest is focused on Internet measurements with an intersection on QoS.
Caleb's participation in different fora within the internet space has seen his researched contribution on internet governance policy issues ranging from data privacy, GeoPolitics of Internet Governance, Community Networks and sustainable access, Cyber Security, digital rights, media literacy, and Emerging Technologies.
Within the AFRINIC ecosystem, Caleb was a former member and Vice Chair of the Nomination Committee (NoMCoM). Caleb is an active member of the Nigerian Internet Governance Forum(NIGF) Multistakeholder Advisory Group(MAG). Caleb has extensive experience in the DNS Ecosystem and is an active player at the Nigerian Country Code ccTLD. He supports policies that provide a thriving business environment for Internet Exchange Points.
Caleb's reputation as a trusted hand in the Internet Governance Ecosystem extends globally, from the global IGF to ICANN. He is instrumental in fostering partnerships and collaborations in Nigeria, Africa, and worldwide, ensuring the steady growth and development of the Internet community.