Sean Turner

Sean Turner

Former Member, Internet Society Board of Trustees


Sean Turner is the IETF appointee. He has been involved in the IETF since IETF 34 and has authored or co-authored over 40 RFCs. From March 2007 to March 2014, Sean served on the Internet Engineering Steering Group as the IETF Security Area Director.  Prior to being appointed to the IESG, Sean was chair of the SMIME and XMPP WGs.  Currently, Sean is chair of the TLS and RTCWEB WGs.  He’s also currently active in the STIR, LAMPS, and QUIC WGs.

He is founder of sn3rd llc, which focuses on policy, design, and implementation of security solutions, and is author of the Implementing Email and Security Tokens: Current Standards, Tools, and Practices (John Wiley and Sons, 2008).

Image credit: © Renaud Philippe