Maria-Luz Vega

Maria-Luz Vega

Coordinator of Future of Work Initiative, International Labour Organization


Licence in Labour by the Madrid Universtiy Complutense, 1980-1985
Labour and social security inspector at the Ministry of labour and Social Security ( Spain ), 1986- 1989
Diplome d’Etudes Superieures en Droit du travail . Université de Geneve, 1994
ILO specialist since 1989.
• 1989-1991 associated expert in labour law and labour legislation. (LEGREL Geneva)
• 1991- 1992 young professional in labour inspection (ADMITRA Geneva)
• 1992-1998 Specialist in labour law and labour relation (LEGREL Geneva)
• 1989. 2001, Senior specialist in labour law, labour relations and labour administration in Lima multidisciplinary team (Peru)
• 2001- 2007 Senior specialist in Fundamental Principle and rights (DECALRATION Geneva)
• 2007-2014 Senior specialist on Labour administration inspection (LABADMIN Geneva)
• Since May 2014 Technical Adviser on Workplace Compliance
• Since January 2015 Special Adviser on the Regional office for Europe and Central Asia
• Since August 2016 Coordinator of the Future of Work Initiate
Main areas of competence
Labour law, industrial relations, human rights, labour administration, labour inspection, OSH and international ILO standards
Publications: more than 40 publications on the above mentioned areas.