Klaus Nieminen

Klaus Nieminen

Communications Network Specialist, Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority (FICORA)


Klaus Nieminen is a seasoned expert with 15 years of experience in the fields of soft regulation, technical regulation and standardization. He has been responsible in FICORA for overall development of technical regulations. Mr. Nieminen has chaired multiple national working groups that were formed to develop new best practices and recommendations from technical network and interconnection specifications to new service models and procedures between different telecommunication operators.

Currently Mr. Nieminen is responsible for the technical regulations regarding quality of service, interworking and in-building communications networks. He is leading a team targeting to reduce the costs of deploying high-speed electronic communications networks e.g. with the better coordination of civil works. Regarding net neutrality Mr. Nieminen is actively participating the European co-operation between different national regulatory authorities in BEREC and leading a team responsible for BEREC’s Net-Neutrality Regulatory Assessment Methodology. He is also chairing the Finnish IPv6 task force and organized the Finnish national IPv6 launch (www.ipv6now.fi) in 2015.