Christine Runnegar

Christine Runnegar

Principal, Internet Trust


I am the Principal, Internet Trust at the Internet Society, advocating for an open, globally connected, secure, and trustworthy Internet. With a background in regulatory litigation and an international outlook, I complement my security and privacy expertise with a deep appreciation of technology.

I am the Internet Society's senior expert on Internet security and privacy. I'm proud to serve on the board of the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG), home of Let’s Encrypt, the free, automated, and open certificate authority. Let’s Encrypt provides digital certificates to millions of websites, ensuring a more secure and privacy-respecting Web for users all over the world. I also co-chair the W3C Privacy Interest Group (PING), bringing privacy-by-design to Web standards, and I help shape critical Internet policy issues at institutions such as the OECD, APEC, Council of Europe, AUC, and the UN.

As an avid user of encrypted services, advancing Internet security for users is both a professional and a personal goal.